Gopherus flavomarginatus

News From the Field

News From the Field

In early May, TC Board Chair Anders Rhodin and TC field programs director Peter Paul van Dijk visited Mexico to evaluate progress in management of the Bolson Tortoise Ecosystem Preserve by the TC’s local affiliate HABIO, A.C. Working with HABIO’s treasurer Judith Rios, progress was made towards full-time management of the Preserve, while we also continue to work towards possible future expansion of strictly protected areas for Bolson Tortoises. Among the highlights were the opportunity provided by our colleague Gamaliel Castañeda to give presentations to a large gathering of students and staff of the Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango at Gomez Palacio; Anders spoke about the conservation status of tortoises and freshwater turtles world-wide, while Peter Paul spoke about the opportunities and challenges of private protected areas for biodiversity conservation... 

New Tortoise Enclosure

PHOTO CAPTION: Armando Jimenez and Angel Reyes with two young Bolson Tortoises.

The latest guests to check in to our Southern California Conservation Center, three young Bolson Tortoises (Gopherus flavomarginatus), are adjusting to life inside of their expansive, new environment. These tortoises came to the Turtle Conservancy last month from a robust assurance colony at Ted Turner's Armendaris Ranch in New Mexico. The Turtle Conservancy and Turner Endangered Species Fund are collaborating on a trans-national effort to protect this tortoise from extinction, which will include reintroducing the species in key locations of its former range in the United States.