Astrochelys yniphora

Turtles and Climate Change

Turtles and Climate Change

Spring has sprung, all the flowers are in bloom, and shells are a clackin'! This winter has been cold and rainy at the Turtle Conservancy’s Conservation Center, and the turtles have had enough of it! They have had plenty of time to think about climate change and its implications for their future.

Saving Madagascar’s Ploughshare Tortoise

Saving Madagascar’s Ploughshare Tortoise

The Ploughshare Tortoise is the most endangered tortoise in the world. With wild populations on the brink of extinction, it has become clear to the conservation community that action must be scaled up substantially if we hope to save this species...

AZA Awards TC $25,500 for Ploughshare Tortoise Conservation

AZA Awards TC $25,500 for Ploughshare Tortoise Conservation

Ploughshare Tortoise conservation just received a tremendous boost from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Conservation Grants Fund through their highly competitive process...

CITES Meeting: Turtle Conservationists Urge Immediate Action To End Poaching Of Ploughshare Tortoise

CITES Meeting: Turtle Conservationists Urge Immediate Action To End Poaching Of Ploughshare Tortoise

Angonoka Working Group Calls on CITES Conference of the Parties and Government of Madagascar to Prevent Imminent Extinction of Emblematic Species