World Turtle Day

Shellebrate World Turtle Day®

Shellebrate World Turtle Day®

Did you know only 15% of the world’s lands are protected and over 50% of all turtles are facing extinction? The science is clear: Change is needed for future generations to survive and enjoy a world filled with nature. The Turtle Conservancy has secured over 65,000 acres of vulnerable habitat in Mexico, Africa and Asia. By conserving nature, we contribute to the overall health of the planet’s ecosystems and, hopefully, to the continued prosperity of our species...

Sign Our Petition to Stop Poaching of Native Turtles!

Sign Our Petition to Stop Poaching of Native Turtles!

The United States has a wildlife trafficking crisis closer to home than most people realize: native turtles are disappearing from lands and waters and ending up in the hands of poachers across the country.

For those who are witnessing this crisis first hand—conservation professionals, biologists, and wildlife law enforcement officials—there is a consensus that immediate action is needed to prevent the removal of native turtles from the wild before irreversible damage is done to both rare and more common species, from Bog Turtles to Box Turtles. The U.S. is a global biological hotspot for turtles, home to 57 species, including some that only live here.

Spring Fundraising Campaign

Spring Fundraising Campaign

On May 23rd, the Turtle Conservancy celebrated World Turtle Day by launching a public awareness and fundraising campaign inspired by the recent UN report on global biodiversity. The report argued that one million of Earth’s species are at risk of extinction due to human-caused activities. The Turtle Conservancy is working to protect biodiversity through habitat conservation, research and global awareness…

World Turtle Day

Why bother saving turtles and tortoises from extinction? Do they even really matter??

Of course they do! Besides being absolutely adorable, turtles are critical components of ecosystems around the globe. Turtles and tortoises play vital roles in seed dispersal and vegetation control, they are ecosystem engineers creating burrows for other species, and cultural icons throughout the world.

In honor of World Turtle Day®, everything in our online store is 25% off! All proceeds help support turtle programs around the world - land purchases, research grants, habitat restoration and releases! Also be sure to check out our new membership levels to get the latest turtle and tortoise publications. 

World Turtle Day®, sponsored yearly since 2000 by American Tortoise Rescue, is intended to bring attention to, and increase knowledge of and respect for, turtles and tortoises, and encourage human action to help them survive and thrive.